Songs from My Childhood - Canções de Minha Infância

Songs from my Childhood is a very special project to me. Growing up in Brazil, music was very much part of my life. I studied at a prestigious school, Magda Tagliaferro Conservatory, and took private composition lessons with Dyonisio Moreno. I loved spending hours and hours at the piano creating music and studying. I recorded these songs in cassette tapes, so that I wouldn't forget. And now, 20 years later, I am creating two books and audios of these compositions. There are 20 songs all together from that time, and I have divided them into two books: Songs from My Childhood Volume I and II. As studio owner and teaching artist, I teach composition and I hope that this book inspires my students to keep composing. The beautiful illustrations are by Olga Karpova. The book will be self-published and soon available at Amazon and on my website for sale. In addition, the album will be available for download as well. It has been really inspiring creating this project and I truly hope you enjoy it. 

With Love,


Listen to the songs here